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Long-Term Care

Market your facility to be "a cut above" the competition with telemedicine

Do you Want to Reduce Readmissions and Improve your Facility's Star Rating?

Reduce avoidable transfers out to hospitals by up to 50%! Telemedicine provides easy access to physicians on demand. Residents get thorough exams allowing for early detection and effective condition management; early intervention prevents these conditions from worsening. Treating in place has been proven to improve patient outcomes and enhance quality measures.

The Perfect, Low-Cost Telehealth Solution for Long-Term Care Facilities

Real-time connection with specialists promotes development of specialty programs within skilled nursing centers. Gone are the days of struggling to get physicians into the facility to see their patients. Gain access to specialists for chronic condition management of CHF, COPD, ESRD, etc. Telemedicine also provides patients with immediate access to a second opinion, if needed. BL Healthcare's telehealth solutions can help you become the go-to referral destination for hospital case managers!

Average cost incurred by nursing homes for each resident transfer to hospital

Percentage of all transfers to hospitals from LTC facilities due to CHF, COPD, pneumonia, dehydration, and UTI

Average percent reduction in hospital transfers, within 12 months of telemedicine implementation

Average percent increase in census/enrollment resulting from a 1-star improvement in CMS star rating